Fat soluble vitamins
Fat soluble vitamins are those that can be dissolved in fats and oils. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with fats from food and can be stored in the fat tissue of the body.
They come from plants and animal foods, or from food supplements. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat solubles.
These fats called liposoluble, are only mobilized and absorbed when they are accompanied by fat.
You should not abuse the consumption of these fat-soluble vitamins, as they have to accumulate in the liver. Each of these vitamins has a specific function for the organism.
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin A
Vitamin A, helps maintain the integrity of the eye system (vision) and helps the integrity of the skin.
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin D
Vitamin D, promotes bone health, helps us keep bones in good condition.
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin E
Vitamin E, is part of the same as the vitamin A of our antioxidant system against free radicals that helps prevent diseases.